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Noxgear’s Ten-Year Throwback

A photo journey of how it all began

Before we were Noxgear, we were just Tom and Simon, two engineers who wanted to play ultimate frisbee at night with our friends.

Tom and Simon playing frisbee

But we knew we couldn’t keep playing with glow sticks around our heads.

The original Ultimate Frisbee team

We took matters into our own hands and got to work designing the first light-up vest. (Yes, plenty of duct tape was involved).

Tom and Simon showing off their homemade light up vests

In those early days, our happy place was working behind the scenes on designing the perfect gear for athletes of all shapes and sizes.

Simon adjusting gear
Tom adjusting gear

We held start-up meetings, which wasn’t always as fun as designing the gear. . .

Simon and Tom in a meeting

But we quickly got into a work rhythm that worked for both of us. This “Day in the Life at Noxgear” shows a time-lapse of our work from the early days (circa 2013).

Around this time we also started working on the first version of the LightHound so our favorite furry friends could play sports safely at night too. Tom’s dog Jake was a perfect model for us! He was a good boy 😊.

Jake the model pup getting measured for the Lighthound

To launch the company, we ran a Kickstarter campaign where 444 backers brought this company to life in 2013.

We credit a lot of our success to our customers over the years talking about us to friends, family and random people on the street, giving us feedback on products.

Sarah, Simon, and Tom shipping out hundreds of Noxgear products

We faced all of the usual start-up growing pains- and then some- and supported each other through the ups and the downs.

Tom offers guidance to Simon as he shares about his problems

The result was the first iteration of the Tracer vest and the inception of Noxgear.

Simon and Tom play ultimate frisbee in the dark

The last decade has been a wild ride. We know we wouldn’t be where we are today without our friends, family, and our incredible customers who make up Noxgear Nation.

Thank you for tuning in and celebrating 10 years with us!

-Simon and Tom

P.s. If you want to learn more about our origin story, tune into this podcast on how Noxgear came to be and why it means so much to us.


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